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Other Equipment

Cornhead Gathering Chain Holder

Tool for holding automatic tightener springs while servicing gathering chains and idler sprocket.  Works on all John Deere cornheads and possibly others.  Easy to use by tightening or loosening wing nut.  Holds chain loose while adjusting deck plates.  No need to run the nut up and down the bolt.

Demco Hose Holder

Bracket for holding hoses between Demco tanks and the tractor.

Fertilizer Opener

Fertilizer Opener for applying fertilizer with the planter.

Gauge Wheel Extension

An extension to move the gauge wheel on a Krause Gladiator Strip Tiller.

Planter Stalk Bender

Stalk Bender™ for Planter Tires.

Ordering Information

All products on this page other than Stalk Bender are build to order and have a 4-6 week lead time.